But what remains unique about psychoanalytic treatment is its foundational idea: that talking about life with no limits, manuals, or workbooks, and looking beyond the surface for the meaning in one's thoughts and actions, creates an unparalleled opportunity for lasting growth. To quote Jonathan Shedler, the co-developer of the Shedler-Westen psychological assessment test, "When psychoanalytic treatment is successful, it is not just symptoms that change, the person changes." New research findings confirm that this statement is evidence-based.
A Statement by Psychoanalysis Now Psychoanalysis Now is an organization of 125 psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists whose goal is education of the public about today's psychoanalysis. Today's psychoanalysis is very different from our grandparents' time. Ancient narrower focuses have been cast off in favor of a broad investigation of all of life's feelings, relationships, and issues. The cartoon image of the silent analyst is gone. Today’s psychoanalysts privilege active conversation between the two people in the room.
But what remains unique about psychoanalytic treatment is its foundational idea: that talking about life with no limits, manuals, or workbooks, and looking beyond the surface for the meaning in one's thoughts and actions, creates an unparalleled opportunity for lasting growth. To quote Jonathan Shedler, the co-developer of the Shedler-Westen psychological assessment test, "When psychoanalytic treatment is successful, it is not just symptoms that change, the person changes." New research findings confirm that this statement is evidence-based.
Mind and Body Wellness ServicesWe are a group of mental health practitioners with experience working with people from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds, gender identities, sexual orientations, and family structures. Blog Archives
October 2021