"Every difficulty in life presents us with an opportunity to turn inward and to invoke our own inner resources." Epictetus
You are taking the first step in a promising journey of self discovery and transformation. Allow us to support you as you find new ways of living life and relating to others.
Let us help you untangle the knots that keep you from verbalizing your needs and feelings. If you cannot put into words what you feel, your hopes and what you dread, you may act in ways that puzzle you or you may experience anxiety, anger and relational issues, among other afflictions.
We are a group of bilingual (English and Spanish) practitioners (Mental Health providers, Relationship Coach, Support Group Facilitators, Psychiatrist) with ample experience working with people from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds, gender identities, sexual orientations, and family structures.
"When we cannot find a way of telling our story, our story tells us - we dream these stories, we develop symptoms, or we find ourselves acting in ways we don't understand." Stephen Grosz